Explosion Suppressors

An explosion suppression system consists of three components: a (i) detector; (ii) control unit; and (iii) suppressor(s). In the event an ignition occurs, the fireball expands from the ignition kernel with the pressure wave (created by the increase in temperature) traveling ahead of the flame front. Explosion pressure detectors are configured to respond to the characteristic pressure increase within milliseconds.


The IEP Technologies eSUPPRESSOR™ is a high-rate discharge suppressor used for explosion suppression and isolation systems. Its electro-mechanical operation is unique to the industry, as no pyrotechnic devices are required for activation. The eSUPPRESSOR has standard features that include pressure monitoring, lock outtag out capability and LED indication of device status. A key benefit is that all the safety functions are fully monitored, which is not possible for any device employing pyrotechnic actuators. The eSUPPRESSOR design and manufacture has SIL2 third party certification.

PistonFire II

The PistonFire suppression tank consists of a pressurized extinguishing agent storage tank and a valve body with a dust explosion-proof, weather-resistant housing in accordance with the requirements of the National Electrical Manufacture’s Association ("NEMA"). The NEMA-compliant housing houses the actuator mechanism, pressure switch, pressure gauge, fill valve, OSHA control switch, and field wiring connections

EHRD II Suppressor

The EHRD II suppressor is designed for installation on all types of vessels, ducts and pipes for dusts, gases and hybrid mixtures. The suppressor valve is closed with a domed disc and sealing ring and then pressurized with nitrogen.

PHRD Suppressor

These suppressors are used for explosion suppression of gases, solvent vapors, and combustible dusts.

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